Monday, July 9, 2007

Africa, .. here we go!

So ... July 10th came so fast i had no idea what hit me. Back in January my friend Ian laid out an idea before me
that at that time it just seemed like a dream for someone like me. "lets go to Africa.." he said. I sat there and thought.. oh wow.. the little boy from Acapulco made it this far, why not Africa in STYLE ?
For a brief moment i got lost in thought about the PHOTOS I COULD TAKE! but, it was just a little quick dream.
The next day Ian spoke to me again and we pretty much settled on this trip, i was sold.
In the months to follow the group shrank from 8 to 4 .. and a little of drama with the tour operator quickly
made my dreams just that.. a dream. But, after some dealing with A&K, our tour operator, the dream was back on.
Then the challenge began .. wait! i DONT HAVE VACATION in JULY!!.. - well, that has never stopped you before from taking trips - said someone at work. With the help of my friend tim, and the outstanding favors i had with some people i got my trades, and managed to only have 2 trips/ or 20 hrs at the begining of the month... oh yeah, i can't wait to see that paycheck when i GET BACK!! but i go with a piece of mind that all the bills are paid, the
pantry has plenty of Mac and Cheese and the Q tip jar has been filled.
Right now the time is 10:26 pm.. Jul 9th.. just a few hours before what is to be a trip of a life time and it just hit me... IM GOING TO AFRICA!! i had to break in a diet coke and some rum. My head is spining, my heart racing
and im already day dreaming.
" .. is that duffle bag less than 50Lbs? ..."
"... do i have enough shoes ....."
" what does a sexy latin man wear in Africa? ..."
" do i have enough zip lock bags for my toiletries...?"
" am i going to get on the flights no problem?"
" have i left my personal info behind for someone to come recover the body in case i get attacked by a horny Rhino?"
" where is my Will..??"
" do i have the right shoes for Africa? "
" crap! the lax-sfo flight is already full.. i have to buy a real ticket now..."
" ...where is my lip balm?"
" how do i pack my hair gel?..."
" how many tooth brushes do i take?.."
" did i ask Dr. Sam for all lthe right medications to take...?"
" do i have the right shoes for africa? .."
" why is my drink empty now? do i have any cigarretes? "
"why does my head hurt? ..."

Go figure. I have been to 94 countries and hundreds of cities around the world over the last 16 yrs and this trip
is just unlike any other i have ever taken. but... WHY? and trust me.. is not because of the SHOES issues.. is just .... mmmm.. i don't know why.. i'm .... do i dare say freaking out?
i am looking forward to spending time with my friend Ian and his friends Thomas - from Norway and Phillip from Athens, Greece. I am taking both my babies, my F100 and my D2X .. yes my cameras. I can not promise any
National Geographic shots.. but i can promise i will see africa the way i have always dreamnt of seein it... through a lens. Who knew that at age 40 a dream would come through for a little boy from Acapulco. To be a photographer for National Geographic. OK.. is not really a dream come true.. but pretty darn close. And all thanks to my friend Ian.
The little boy from Acapulco has grown up.. or so he says... he no longer wears "Members only" jackets from Layaway on a dark store on Broadway in Down town Los Angeles... he no longer sells Ice cream for 10.00 a DAY!
from the back of an ice cream car .. no longer walks dogs for a living - now for pleasure- and no longer dreams
to be a photographer.. he IS one. But all those good things do not fall from the sky.. they come with lots of hard work in a place that is not his own, a stranger, a foreigner who does not speak the lenguage ... a little boy who came out of the Grey Hound Station one dark night, it was Sept 19th, in 1981.. holding on to his mom's hand because he was terrified. We have come a long ways Gracie!! and there have been PLENTY of generous and kind souls to lend a hand, pick me up when i fell, forgave me when i erred, and or simply encourraging when the tough got going.
To all of them .. thank you. All those great shot of Africa are for you.


Unknown said...

I hope you didn't pack you pink pumps!!! Have fun... loard help Africa!!!


carla said...

Good grief, Juan... Don't you know that your main purpose in my life is to make me LAUGH, not to make me tear-up at 9am over a very touching first-blog-entry?
Amazing photography obviously isn't your only talent...

scott said...

HI Papi, I hope this finds you in Africa...are you there yet? Love the blog, what and the hell is a blog? You're my first. Have a wonderful time, be safe and can't wait to read and see more of your travels. xoxo

nurfen said...

Hey Babe! It is my luck that you are in Africa. I will thinking of you in Tibet. Glad you backed out but then again I would not be going if you had not.
Miss you tons!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As I am counting my days to my own experience with Africa, I read your blog and can't stop laughing....You are one of a kind photographer and a funny writer.....
Now if we could just get you in front of the camera for a good shot..... Thanx for the great laughter we share! keep up the good work.
Don't mind me if I use ur pix to share my Africa experience because i know I can't do better.!
xoxox Frenchie